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Trusted Tour Operator Scheme a game-changer for Chinese tourism in South Africa: expert

JOHANNESBURG, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) — As South Africa ramps up efforts to attract Chinese tourists, a tourism expert has lauded the government’s plan to introduce the Trusted Tour Operator Scheme (TTOS), a move aimed at streamlining visa processes and boosting tourism from China.
Unathi Henama, a tourism expert from Walter Sisulu University, praised the scheme as a significant step to tap into the Chinese market, which is estimated to become the world’s biggest outbound tourism market in the coming years.
“The TTOS is a great initiative to lure this market to visit South Africa, which will benefit the country’s tourism industry and the economy,” Henama told Xinhua.
Henama sees the scheme as a great initiative to make South Africa a more attractive destination, potentially leading to reduced visa requirements in the future.
“Chinese tourists travel to be immense in learning. The Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria has been able to cater to their need of learning about history and heritage by making linkages between the Voortrekker Monument and the Great Wall of China,” Henama said.
With tourism being a major contributor to the country’s gross domestic product, South Africa received over 93,000 Chinese tourists in 2023.
The TTOS, announced by South Africa’s Department of Home Affairs on Monday to boost tourism from China and India, is set to be implemented in January 2025.
The department said it was working in collaboration with other departments, including the Presidency, to address obstacles that currently hinder tourists from visiting South Africa. ■
